ADA Discrimination Lawyers in Fresno
Under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the disabled are a protected class. If a person is able to perform the job, it is illegal for employers to terminate, fail to hire, fail to promote, or otherwise discriminate against an individual on the basis of a physical or mental handicap or disability. The ADA also compels employers to make reasonable accommodations for workers with special needs. The experienced Fresno employment lawyers at Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian advocate for disabled California employees who are the victims of workplace discrimination.
Employer disability discrimination includes:
- a refusal or failure to accommodate special needs
- a refusal or failure to hire a capable employee due to a disability
- a refusal or failure to grant leave under the family and medical leave act (FMLA)
We Don’t Hesitate, You Shouldn’t Either
If you are a disabled worker and you believe you have grounds to file a discrimination claim under the ADA, speak at once to an ADA discrimination lawyer at Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian. Most companies will require you to report a discrimination incident; you should follow that procedure or you may be asked in court why you didn’t. We can help you report the incident. Then we thoroughly evaluate your claim and suggest the wisest way to move forward. Should you opt to file a lawsuit, we handle all negotiations. We prefer to reach an out-of-court settlement, but we do not hesitate to take employers to court if necessary and seek the best possible result there.
Don’t let any fear or embarrassment hold you back from seeking the justice you deserve. If you suffer illegal discrimination because of a disability, now or in the future, call Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian immediately. Our ADA discrimination lawyers keep flexible hours to meet your scheduling needs, and we return every call promptly. Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian serves clients in Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kingsburg, and Hanford counties. Our staff speaks Spanish and French, so don’t let a language barrier keep you from the legal help you need. Call Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian today at 559-545-0383 or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation.