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If you’ve ever, for just the briefest moment, put your foot on the wrong pedal while you were driving, you’ve experienced pedal error. This spring, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that about 16,000 traffic accidents each year are related to pedal error. These accidents typically happen when drivers intend to hit their brake pedal but instead hit the accelerator. Even at the lowest speeds, pedal error endangers you and your passengers and others around you. If pedal error by another driver led to an accident, and you or someone you love has been injured, you may be able to win reimbursement for your medical treatment and related expenses by filing a personal injury lawsuit, but you’ll need to speak right away with an experienced Fresno car accident lawyer.

Pedal error collisions usually happen because wet weather has made a driver’s shoes slippery or because a driver is wearing shoes inappropriate for driving. A driver might mistakenly floor the accelerator when meaning to hit the brakes. Alternately, a driver’s foot can slip off the brake and onto the accelerator. Pedal error is behind many parking lot collisions and most crashes into houses or other buildings. You can work to avoid pedal error accidents by following this advice from the NHTSA:

  1. Concentrate only on driving. Avoid distractions.
  2. Before driving, adjust your steering wheel and seat.
  3. When braking, try to place your foot in the center of the pedal.
  4. Heels, heavy boots, and flip-flops increase the chance of pedal error. Wear flat, lightweight shoes when you drive.

Even if you follow these recommendations, you can’t prevent another driver’s pedal error. If you’re injured in a California traffic collision because someone else was negligent, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit and seek compensation for your injuries. If you choose to file a claim, or if you simply want to discuss your options after you’ve been injured, speak with an experienced Fresno car accident lawyer, and make the call at once after you’ve received medical treatment. Help is available for injury victims, but you must make the call promptly.